Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Week 6 EOC: There's An App for That!

I have the next great idea for an "App", and I owe it all to my roommate, Jana. We have known each other for about 6 years now, and have been good friends through thick and thin. Over that time, I've come to learn a lot about her but it wasn't until 6 months ago, when we made the decision to live together, that I realized how much time she spends every day trying to find things that she has misplaced! Often times it's either her keys with the alarm for her truck, the remote for the garage door opener, or some other device that is easily misplaced. The one thing that I did notice in all of this, is that despite losing all of her other electronic devices, the one that she never loses is her cell phone which never seems to leave her hand. This gave me an idea... what if I came up with an app that was somehow able to trigger an audible alarm in these electronic devices that would help her find them! This is my idea for the app. Now, to make it work I suppose you might need some additional hardware that would communicate wirelessly that you would have to install in whatever you would like to work with the app, but any hassle this may cause would be well worth not losing your important items anymore!

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